Being authentic is the buzz word nowadays. But what the heck does Authenticity mean in the first place?
Authenticity is knowing who you are and living a life that is true to the Self. A life that has deeper meaning and purpose. Your destiny is to meet your true authentic Self.
How do you know you are not living an authentic life?
The common signs are:
-You feel tired, burnout, overwhelmed, stress, anxious.
-You are surrounded by toxic people who manipulate or take advantage of you.
-You feel life is pointless and meaningless. You feel stuck in a job what’s draining you.
-You have poor boundaries and having trouble saying ‘no’
-You have lots of repressed anger, fear, guilt, shame, sadness
-You are stuck in being a victim and cannot move forward in life.
Shift the Mind, Heart and Core to live your Authentic Life
When you are authentic, you know yourself deeply and trust your ability to shape your life in ways that align with your heartfelt desires. You have clarity about the conditions that currently exist, both within and outside yourself. You understand how to best develop and use your resources. Authentic Living enables you to shape a life of purpose and meaning in which you experience yourself participating in something greater than yourself.
Inner transformation can be fun, exciting and an experience you look forward to.
Once you get out of just “surviving”, and your deepest wounds, triggers, and pain is healed… then “thriving” is the fun part! And you can be loved and supported the whole way through.
What If You Could Heal Deeply On All Levels? Mind, Heart and Core?
When you address the mind, heart and core all together, then transformation happens because everything is in alignment.
1. Know who you are
This is your core identity and knowing where your power lies.
2. Be real
You can speak your truth and not afraid of other people’s opinion or judgement. You have no problem being vulnerable.
3. Believe in yourself
Know your purpose and believe in yourself that you can achieve them.
4. Be a role model
You can inspire others just by stepping in your Authentic Self. Others will want to be like you.
5. Have a positive attitude
Unplug from toxic people, fear based information and negativities.
6. Live in the moment
The power of the Now…yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet.
7. Self care and Self Love
Send yourself love and look after your own physical and emotional well being.

What Authenticity is not?
Authenticity is not people pleasing, manipulation, being depressed, triggered, living in fear, guilt and shame, being stuck, poor boundaries, stress, etc
If you want to step into your power and full potential as well as know who you are and your purpose, please get in touch and together we can work on what’s stopping you to be your true authentic self!
What we can work on:
- Living Authentically and consciously
- Self Care
- Self Love
- Inner Child
- Resolving trauma
- Triggers
- Intuition & Scanning
- Fear
- Assuming Responsibility
- Reframing
- Habits
- Masculine and Feminine wounds
- Core Identities
- Love Frequency/Head & Heart Space
- The Biggest Thing that Needs Love
- Victimhood
- Building the Proper Environment
- Taking Care of your Physical Body
- Forgiveness
- Chakra Balancing
- Abundance/Money
- From Surviving to Thriving
- Embodiment
- Releasing blockages and stepping into your purpose
- And more!
Are you ready to be you and to finally live authentically? My mission in these sessions are to create an experience of growth, shifts and of support regardless of where you are on your journey. Together we will identify what blocking you and you can create massive change.